Walking Tours
Public Life Walking Tour
Why do some new streets and squares ‘work’ and others not? What are the essential requirements for public life to happen in urban areas? How important are design and architecture? This walk with Alan Mee discussed public places which are failing and working.
This walking tour was previously delivered as part of Open House Dublin 2010
Sheds vs Icons Walking Tour
Why do we regard some buildings as architecture, and others not? This walking tour with Alan Mee considers architectural quality, appreciation and engagement by the profession, and the role of the public in the definition of architecture.
This walking tour was previously delivered as part of Open House Dublin 2010
Buddleia Walking Tour
The buddleia plant, containing long slender lilac-purple flowers in summer, is an immediate sign of serious decay of buildings. Wedged into gutters, growing out of poorly maintained walls, and covering derelict sites, it indicates that urgent repairs are needed, or that opportunities to renew sites are being neglected. This walking tour will visit a number of sites in central Dublin with Dublin Civic Trust, indicating the physical, social and economic impact of decay, as well as potential and opportunities of out built environment.
This walking tour was previously delivered as part of Open House Dublin 2009
Public/Private Space Walking Tour
This walking tour visits some well known Dublin public spaces, focusing on aspects which may not be immediately visible, but which profoundly affect the ways we perceive and use public space, such as ownership, rights of access, maintenance, overlooking/surveillance and use potential. Areas include Trinity College, O’Connell Street, Temple Bar and Dame Street.
This walking tour was previously delivered as part of Open House Dublin 2009
Unbuilding Walking Tour
This walking tour will directly relate the current economic and development crisis to a particular location in Dublin. It is suggested that there may be social, cultural, architectural and even economic opportunities in considering ‘unbuilding’ parts or all of some recent development, or adapting planned uses to more appropriate ones. The tour will examine the relevance at street level of recent economic events to the quality of our built environment.
This walking tour was previously delivered as part of Open House Dublin 2009